Fetish Meanings
Antelope: Intelligent and curious with an active imagination.
Armadillo: Keeper of the home. He is thick skinned and reserved. Slow moving, he makes sure he gets things done correctly.
Badger: Independent, passionate, and persistent. He has great knowledge of the earth.
Bat: Guardian of the night.
Bear: The great protector, he is also a spiritual guide and a powerful healer. Guardian of the West.
Beaver: Industrious and diligent, he is a builder.
Bobcat: Elusive and intelligent, he is a solitary and independent hunter. He is older brother to wolf and younger brother of mountain lion. He is the Prey God of the South.
Buffalo: Provider to all, he has great emotional courage and the endurance to rise above one’s weaknesses.
Butterfly: Represents beauty and transformation.
Cat: Patient and independent.
Corn Maiden: Strength, creation, and wisdom.
Coyote: Hunter God of the West. The master trickster who often tricks himself.
Crow: The keeper of sacred law.
Deer: Gentle, she sacrifices for the greater good and is a true and loyal friend.
Dog: A true friend and very loyal.
Donkey: Determination, intelligence and service to others.
Duck: He represents the spirits of those who have passed on.
Eagle: Guardian of the Upper Region, he represents vision, higher truths, and a spiritual connection to the great divine.
Elephant: Strong and graceful, gentle and wise.
Elk: Confidence, power, and stamina.
Falcon: Power and harmony. He has the ability to see the big picture.
Fish: Hides his emotions.
Fox: Clever and observant, he blends in with his surroundings.
Frog: Represents fertility and is associated with water and rain.
Goat: Fearless and industrious with a strong work ethic.
Hawk: The messenger of the gods.
Horned lizard: Represents longevity and self-reliance.
Horse: Swift, strong, and enlightened, he also possesses healing powers.
Hummingbird: A messenger who also has the ability to stop time.
Lizard: Patient and wise, he is also agile and talkative.
Longhorn: Intelligent and easy to get along with.
Lynx: Clairvoyant, he knows all secrets.
Mole: Hunter God of the lower regions, he protects crops.
Moose: Headstrong and unstoppable.
Mountain Lion: Directional Guardian and prey god of the North, he protects travelers on their journeys and helps ensure successful hunting.
Mouse: Attention to detail.
Musk Ox: Social but protective.
Opossum: A master of strategy.
Otter: Playful and curious.
Owl: Protector of the home, he represents wisdom and truth and can see what others cannot.
Pheasant: Confident and flamboyant.
Pig: Friendly, loyal, and intelligent.
Porcupine: Faithful and trusting.
Prairie Dog: A powerful sense of community and working together for the greater good of all.
Quail: Sacred spirit.
Rabbit: Special guardian of women in childbirth and also of children. Gentle, charming, virtuous and serene.
Raccoon: Shy and resourceful.
Ram: Increases herds.
Raven: The messenger of the great mystery, he represents magic and transformation.
Sheep: Charitable, elegant, and passionate
Skunk: Represents inner strength, self-respect, and a good reputation.
Snake: Represents primitive energy, and helps us connect with greater powers. Symbolic of life, death, and rebirth, he is believed to have curative powers.
Spider: Represents the creative patterns of life.
Squirrel: Has the ability to plan ahead and is very industrious.
Turkey: Smart, elusive, festive.
Turtle: Oldest symbol of Mother Earth, he represents self-reliance, tenacity, and longevity.
Wolf: Guardian and Prey God of the East, wolf represents the ability to work together for the good of the group, loyalty, and family values.